Performance Is About Perspective - Focus on Growing Your TSP Account 

It's not about beating the market - it's about making the best allocation decisions based on market conditions. 

Long-term, medium-term, and short-term performance all tell different stories.

Watch this short video for more insight...

 The Problem: The Flawed View of Performance 

Most investors measure performance using snapshots - year to date returns, 1 year, 3 year vs 10 year performance.  But, performance isn't a fixed number.
  • Performance is a rolling metric that changes every trading day.
  • The same funds can have completely different rankings based on where you start your measuring. 
  • Your personal TSP performance (your account balance over time) is what matters - not arbitrary benchmarks.

TSP is a long term wealth building vehicle. It is not a day trading platform. The ability to zoom in and zoom out while evaluating performance and volatility relative to your personal circumstances and risk tolerance is a critical skill to build and retain wealth in TSP.

What Should Your Performance Metric Be? 

Instead of focusing on whether one fund or strategy "beats" another over an arbitrary timeframe, ask yourself:
  • Is my TSP balance growing over time?
  • Am I making allocation decisions with confidence?
  • Do I understand how to adjust when the market conditions change? 

 Our role: Education & Analysis to Help You Manage Your Performance 

We don't tell you what to do - we give you the tools, education, and analysis to help you manage your TSP effectively.
  • TSP Weekly Newsletter: Get weekly market insights, trend analysis, and macro/micro economic tailored to the TSP.
  • Online Courses: Teaching you how to build a plan for your TSP, what strategy best suits you, and analysis tools.
  • Model Portfolios: See how to execute the strategies based on changing market conditions.
  • Monthly Member Calls: Live deep-dive discussions on market movement, general performance, and future possibilities.
  • TSP Weekly Podcast: General market insights and TSP fund analysis in a digestible format.

A few nice words from people who trust us

... and we think they're pretty cool for talking about us too

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One thing that alleviated my fear from moving my so money often is recently I went into my TSP and looked at my number of shares I had in the beginning of January. I then looked at the price of TSP shares now versus January. I’m way ahead of the game from moving my money and parking in G as compared to buying and holding. I wasn’t a believer before, but after I did this analysis I am.
- Jeffery L. (Current Subscriber)
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I gotta say that I get the warm fuzzies when I think of how much this group has improved since I joined not even a year ago. I feel like my 2 big brothers, Jerry and Conan, are helping me learn about charts and keeping my money safe. I love the new little video in the member dashboard, the new middle of the week video, and all the other additional stuff they have been doing. Shows how much time these guys are willing to give us to make sure we have good knowledge of our retirement accounts. Being a member has been a great investment for me.
- Sherri H. (Current Subscriber)
I just learned about your website and membership from my colleague, who is 56 and able to fully retire from Federal service.   Thanks so much for putting out so much great information on your website and Facebook group.  I’ve read the e-book, just finished the welcome webinar, and watched last week's YouTube.  So much good information, and I feel like I understand the market better now than I ever did before.  I'm typically the type of person that gets stressed thinking about money (leave it and forget it mentality) but your approach makes so much sense to me.
- Marianne N. (FB Group Member)
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The losses I could have suffered the past TWO days, had I not followed the members only alert would have been heartbreaking. I calculated that the money saved by following the alert would pay for membership into the GMTSP members only group for 32 YEARS. That would take me to age 98. Give it a look people; get educated.
- Robert Wolff. (Current Subscriber)
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